Parasite: The film that changed the Oscar Awards forever

History is being written today at the 92nd Academy Awards or at the Oscars 2020. This year 'Best Picture' award has been received for a film that was not made in English. The South Korean film, 'Parasite' has also received the Best Original Screenplay Award for this year . This is the first film to have got both 'Best International Film' and 'Best Picture' . The director of the film, Bong Joon-Ho , snatched the award for Best Director straight from the mouth of Todd Phillips, the director of 'Joker'.

Parasite The film that changed the Oscar Awards forever - Blixbly

One thing was clear from these four awards that Parasite received, that this year Hollywood has made 'White Men Telling White Stories' (a kind of comment that is made on Hollywood because most of the stories there are around America and Americans- It is woven around), leaving behind a story that was different. At the time when the parasite was sent to the Oscar nomination list, it was being speculated to win the Oscar.

Parasite The film that changed the Oscar Awards forever - Blixbly

After winning the Best Director award, Parasite's director, Bong Joon-Ho, thanked one of Hollywood's biggest directors, Martin Scorsese and Quinton Tarantino, in his speech. Parasite was considered one of the best thriller films of 2019. Was and now because it overtook the 'Joker' in the Oscars race, it was also stalled on being 'good'. 

"Here are the nomination filled with the names of men once again ..."

However, the 92nd Academy Awards were not in the discussion for this reason only. Hollywood actress, Natalie Portman's dress was also in the news. She wrote on the cape of her dress the names of all the women directors, who were not nominated this year. Natalie is a Hollywood A-list actress. She has done films like 'Black Swan', 'Thor'. When announcing the Oscar nomination last year, he said, "Here are the names filled with the names of men once again". This statement made a lot of headlines because only one in the history of the Oscars to date The female director has received the award. We used to think that there is a shortage in our awards.

Parasite The film that changed the Oscar Awards forever - Joaquin Phoenix Speech Oscar- Blixbly

Joaquin Phoenix Speech 

Anyone who saw the Joker will not be able to forget Joaquin Phoenix. His acting had changed the meaning of acting for many people. After winning the Oscar for Best Actor, what he said in his speech was also worthy. He said, "I have not grown more than my peers by winning this award. We are all equal, but this award has given me a platform to say my point. I can say those people, who can say their words Can't get a chance to say. I think we have gone far away from nature. We have been proving ourselves superior by suppressing other species, other people. This is wrong and we have to think What are we doing. There was a time in my life, then I was not a 'good person'. Thank you for tolerating me and giving me a chance at that time. Such people are needed in the world. Humanity is a bigger thing Is. And we are far from it. 

Here is the list, which has the names of all the people who won the Oscars this year:

Best Actor: Supporting Role: Brad Pitt 

Best Film: Parasite 

Best Actor: Walkin Phoenix (Joker) 

Best Actress: Rene Gelweger 

Best Supporting Actress: Laura Dern 

Best Makeup and Hairstyling: Bombshell 

Best Visual Effects: 1917 

Best Film Editing: Ford Vs Ferrari 

Best Cinematography: 1917 (Roger Deakins) 

Best Sound Mixing: 1917 

Best Sound Editing: Donald Sylvester      

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